Sprinting Toward a Failed Product

Many organizations fall prey to the notion that shipping product is the most critical KPI, leading them to mistake lines of code or the number of completed sprints for progress. Furthermore, business pressures drive organizations to place a premium on speed: Market dynamics force them to preempt or respond to competitive threats, Wall Street's quarterly expectations favor near-term solutions over long-term thinking, and political influences often require organizations to deliver on their commitments despite the merits of the effort. These pressures are not trivial, and neither are their consequences.

While frog's goal is always to bring products to market as quickly as possible, we value greatness over timeliness. And in this downloadable insights report, we explore how our approach ensures that we're designing and building the right solutions to the right problems.

In This Report:

  • 5 Strategies for achieving the Problem-Solution Fit
  • How to know when product discovery is complete
  • frog's tried and true product development philosophy: Go slow (first) to go fast (later)

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